Barnardo's Badges
The HYPE service provides young people with opportunities to create change in children’s community health services including mental health services, public health nursing, paediatrics and allied health professionals.
Opportunities include: art workshops; writing blogs, recruitment panels, consultations, making presentations, peer support groups.

ENGAGE - First Engagement Badge
Getting Involved With HYPE
You will have attended a meeting and demonstrated interest in getting more involved with HYPE

Barnardo's Recruitment Training
You need to have attended a training event to prepare you to recruit staff for Barnardo’s, the local authority or health service.

Get Creative with Barnardo’s HYPE
You need to have created or contributed to an online blog, drawing, painting, sculpture,craft piece, poetry, creative writing, acting,film making, film script writing or story-telling project.

Barnardo’s Staff Selection and Recruitment
You need to have participated in a recruitment panel for either Barnardo's, the Local Authority or Health Service.

Barnardo’s HYPE Community Research
You will need to use your lived experience to design and carry out a research project with your peers.

You need to demonstrate skills in recruiting and selecting candidates for Barnardo’s,local authorities and health staff. Having recruited staff for a minimum of 6 months and 5 interview panels.
Barnardo’s Staff Selection & Recruitment

Barnardo’s HYPE Training & Presenting
You need to have presented at staff training programmes or events and will have used your lived experience to contribute to these.You will have an improved understanding of a range of issues affecting young people and service users.

Barnardo’s HYPE Service Young Leader
You need to have shown leadership by supporting and mentoring young people, presenting the service to others, and introducing them to groups. This includes taking responsibility for a participation project and to be confident in leading training groups with young people and professionals.
Barnardo's HYPE Service Training & Presenting

Barnardo’s HYPE Art and Creativity Project
You need to have demonstrated your learning from participating in an art or creative project which conveys messages important to children, young people and their families.

You will have a proven ability to work as a member of the HYPE team and co-design and co-deliver learning workshops and events to support development and understanding of staff.

Barnardo’s HYPE Service Training & Presenting
You need to be under 25 years old and have presented at a staff training program or other event, using your lived experience.