Training for Professionals
Walk in young people’s shoes and enrich your practice by attending one of our training days.
Our training is all delivered by young people with lived experience
Participation and Children's Rights Training
Wednesday 10th July 2024
Young people co-deliver our Participation & Children’s Rights Training. All new staff with Sirona and AWP are encouraged to attend this training and work with others to put shared values into practice.
​The aims of the training are:​
To understand the role of Barnardo's HYPE service.
To experience the impact of young people’s involvement.
To understand what participation is and to understand its history in Children’s Rights.
To understand young people’s agenda for change within CCHP and how it is being progressed.
"I'm glad I came I found it very insightful and picked up new methods of inclusivity."
"I now understand what is meant by participation and have loads of ideas to try out."​
"It's made me consider more how to ensure we hear the voice of children young people and their parents carers."
​"I have been inspired to remember why participation is so important so that our service includes and is accessible for everyone."
Trust - Understanding - Consistency
Tips for Trauma Informed Practice
Trauma TIPS training is delivered by care experienced young people to whole service and team groups.
Please contact us through our contact form if you would like more information
Care experienced young people have created this training program based on many years of receiving support from many different organisations.
The aims of the training are
To inspire trauma informed practice.
To share tips and explain why the words trust, understanding and consistency are so important in young people’s lives
To encourage participants to reflect on their strengths and their organisations strengths.
“The examples really bought the topic to life, I will remember this training much better than usual training”
“The experience of the facilitators was incredible, bringing more depth to the training”
“Having vulnerability modelled in such an engaging and honest way has made me want to practice this myself”
“The top tips have sparked ideas of how I can make my practice more effective”